Error cause and how to deal with it|Kubernetes|Error: ImagePullBackOff|ImagePullBackOff error occurs when creating pod

An ImagePullBackOff error occurred when creating a pod.

This section describes error causes and countermeasures.

Error information that occurred


When creating a pod, when I executed the kubectl get pod command and checked the "STATUS" of the created pod, it was "ImagePullBackOff".

kubectl get pod

・Created pod
NAME             READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
sample-pod-xxxx  0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          22m


When I checked the status of the pod by running the kubectl describe pod command, error information such as the error message "Error: ErrImagePull" was displayed in "Events".

This was because the container image could not be obtained when creating a container in a pod, which caused an error.

kubectl describe pod sample-pod-xxxx
*Here, sample-pod-xxxx specifies the pod name.

・pod state
  Type     Reason     Age                   From     Message
  ----     ------     ----                  ----     -------
  Normal   Pulling    28m (x4 over 32m)     kubelet  Pulling image XXX
  Warning  Failed     28m (x4 over 31m)     kubelet  Failed to pull image XXX
  Warning  Failed     28m (x4 over 31m)     kubelet  Error: ErrImagePull
  Warning  Failed     28m (x6 over 31m)     kubelet  Error: ImagePullBackOff
  Warning  Failed     11m (x2 over 26m)     kubelet  Failed to pull image XXX
  Normal   BackOff    118s (x110 over 31m)  kubelet  Back-off pulling image XXX
*Here, XXX is masking the characters.

How to respond

There may be an error in specifying the name of the container image used to create the container in the pod, or the container image could not be obtained due to a network problem, so check this and take action.


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